Mada Masr
Sisi posters and the politics of patronage
Sunday May 25, 2014
Jano Charbel
Electoral campaign posters for former Field Marshal Abdel Fattah
al-Sisi are abundant in every Egyptian town and city. Unprecedented in
its size and scale, this electoral campaign is arguably the largest
promotion of a political candidate in the country’s history.
Thus far, the cost of Sisi’s electoral campaign is officially reported
to be LE12 million, although there are speculations that it is closer to
the LE20 million maximum limit on expenditures.
This year the High
Elections Council doubled the campaign expenditure allowed by law during
the 2012 presidential elections.
This official figure of LE12 million
may well be understated as many private campaigners have joined in to
promote the former defense minister’s bid for the presidency.
In Cairo, Sisi posters can be found on just about every lamp post on
the Sixth of October Bridge, which spans the city from north to south.
Several massive billboards promoting Sisi are also unavoidable along
this lengthy bridge.
His official campaign posters feature images of the
former military chief grinning while dressed in suit and tie, along
with his campaign slogan, “Long live Egypt.”
Many of these posters have been defaced with the word “deddak” (against
you) spray-painted across them, or spattered with red paint to give
Sisi a blood-soaked image, and others have been torn down.
But still, Sisi posters have survived such attempts and can be found on
every street. Whether part of his official campaign, or private
promotions, the face of the 59-year-old, who is set to be elected, is
omnipresent around Egypt.
Private promotional posters — that are not directly linked to his
official campaign — feature Sisi usually dressed in his military
uniform. These posters and banners hang outside an untold number of
stores and businesses in Cairo, often with a message of endorsement from
owners, along with the name of the store or company and sometimes even
their contact information.
Yet is all this campaigning and are all these posters necessary for a candidate who is already poised to win the election?
“I think it’s necessary from the campaigners’ perspective,” said
Mohamed Menza, a specialist researcher of patronage politics, and
professor of political sociology at the American University in Cairo.
“The main objective here is to have a very big show of popular support.
Campaigners are seeking to promote participation and encourage the
highest voter turnout rate possible, with the aim of exceeding the
numbers of those who showed up during this year’s constitutional
referendum,” he said.
The 2014 referendum held in January boasted a turnout rate of just over
38 percent, with a 98 percent approval rate. Sisi and his campaigners
are apparently seeking to gain higher voter turnout rates than those
cast for Mohamed Morsi in 2012.
In terms of promoting their candidate, Sisi’s campaigners “are likely
to achieve their objective. It is not only about winning the election,
but maximizing voter participation and winning it by a landslide,” said
The professor pointed out that the campaign teams of former
presidential candidates Ahmed Shafiq (Hosni Mubarak’s last prime
minister) and Amr Moussa (Mubarak’s former foreign minister) are
directly assisting Sisi in his presidential campaign.
“There are lots
of individuals from among the middle ranking members of Mubarak’s now
defunct National Democratic Party helping to finance the Sisi campaign.
Plus there is a lot of personal assistance from businessmen who were
closely linked to Mubarak’s party,” he said.
The professor explained that there are several businessmen who sought
the patronage of Mubarak and his party, followed by that of Morsi and
his Muslim Brotherhood, and are now seeking Sisi’s support.
He gave the example of businessman Taysir Mattar, based in the
districts of Old Cairo and Manial, pointing out that many other such
businessmen have shifted their allegiances in accordance with the ruler
of the time, or his ruling party. Other businessmen have maintained
their allegiance to political figures from the Mubarak-era.
According to Menza, these businessmen, “notables and lesser notables”
have been campaigning for Sisi across the country by organizing popular
conferences, neighborhood-based campaigns, and are preparing to mobilize
their constituents en masse for Sisi.
Beyond Mubarak’s patronage networks, a wide spectrum of political
parties are also mobilizing their constituencies to vote for Sisi.
Across Cairo, the liberal Wafd Party, the Free Egyptians Party, the
ultraconservative Salafi Nour Party and the left-of-center Tagammu Party
have all hung-up posters and banners announcing their support for the
former field marshal.
Smaller and more obscure parties, including: the Guardians of the
Revolution Party, the Egyptian National Movement Party, and the Egyptian
Party also hung up Sisi posters, as has the Tamarod movement in Cairo.
From May to June 2013, Tamarod’s popular petition campaign was
instrumental in mobilizing millions of Egyptians against the presidency
of Morsi. While Tamarod has condemned the Morsi regime for its power
grabs and human rights violations, the movement has not questioned
Sisi’s human rights record.
Tamarod has repeatedly called on the populace to protest in solidarity
with Sisi to show the world — particularly the US, from which Egypt
receives billions of dollars worth of military aid — that Morsi’s
removal at the hands of the Armed Forces was not a military coup, but a
popular revolution.
Within Tamarod, several supporters of the only other presidential
contender, Hamdeen Sabbahi, have reportedly been expelled from the
movement for not siding with Sisi.
“People are afraid to support Sabbahi in public, against the
sure-winner,” said Menza. “The masses are generally not open to the idea
of challenging Sisi, and no businessman is going to invest in abstract
struggles, without clear benefits in front of him.”
Indeed, during the presidential elections of 2012 there were 13
candidates running for president, while in 2014 only one candidate is
challenging Sisi.
Businessmen and political forces are “trying to get closer to the
circles of authority while preparing for parliamentary elections,”
commented Menza. “Payback time is due during parliamentary elections.”
“Businessmen are seeking a piece of the pie,” he added. They may be
seeking political favors, tax breaks, or parliamentary seats.
Politicians and businessmen will continue to support the campaigns
around Sisi, especially “given that there is no real ruling party at the
moment.” Others are simply hoping for stability, benefits, and the
prosperity that comes from a strongman patron-leader.
According to Essam Abdel Aziz, vice president of the Tour Guides
Syndicate and a businessman in the tourism industry, “Stability will be
guaranteed, and the security situation will improve” under Sisi.
“Tourism is among the Field Masrhal’s foremost priorities. He has told us so himself.”
Abel Aziz continued: “Since the revolution the country’s tourism
industry has been hit hard. Most visitors have been frightened away by
the unrest and terrorism over the past three years.”
The owner of a hot-air balloon service in Hurghada, and a travel agency
in Cairo, Abdel Aziz explained that instability has resulted in tens of
billions of dollars worth of losses incurred in the tourism industry.
While some four million employees in this industry have either lost
their jobs, or are threatened with joblessness.
“Hundreds of hotels are empty, or have shut down. While most cruise
boats remain docked and out of business.” Likewise, his hot-air balloons
are grounded with very little demand.
Abdel Aziz commented that he hopes that the tourism industry will
return to generate its estimated $US13 billion of annual revenue (prior
to the 2011 uprising against Mubarak) when Sisi officially takes over
Egypt’s reins.
“Sisi has promised us that he would revive the tourist industry over
the next few years, and together we aspire to increase both our revenue
and our total number of visitors — from the 2010 figure of 14.7 million
visitors, by several million more.” Only around nine million tourists
have annually visited Egypt since 2011.
“(Former Presdient) Morsi had promised us that he would help us restore this vital industry, but did not care much about it.”
The businessman did not mention that armed Islamist groups have
dramatically increased their terror attacks nationwide since Sisi’s
ouster of Morsi in July 2013.
“Stability and security are urgently needed to get our industry and our
national economy back on its feet,” concluded Abdel Aziz.
According to Sheikh Abdel Rahman Hassan of the Islamic Jurisprudence
Center, “We are campaigning for Field Marshal Sisi’s presidency because
he is a pious and religious man. Moreover, we trust that he will be able
to root out terrorist groups like Ansar Beit al-Maqdes, Ajnad Misr, the
Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and other armed extremists.”
Sheikh Hassan’s center has a number of posters around Tahrir Square
with the image of Sisi and the words, “May I kiss your head please?” The
center’s phone number is on these posters identifying them.
Similarly the private ETAF advertising company has hung-up Sisi banners
around the Abdeen neighborhood, with the name of their company, and
their phone numbers on them.
The company’s spokesman did not comment as to how much his
eight-foot-long banners cost or why they have the company’s contact
information on them.
Mohamed Lotfy, owner of a bookshop in downtown Cairo commented, “These
[private] banners hanging outside our shop are not ours. They belong to
other businesses and political parties in the area.”
“Nobody forces these businesses to put up campaign banners. They put
them up out of their own freewill. It’s their way of showing their
support for their candidate, and their love for their country.”
However, in Cairo no businessmen or companies can be seen promoting
Sabbahi’s presidential bid. The number and size of his posters and
banners pales in comparison to those of Sisi.
The only two parties openly backing Sabbahi on these posters in Cairo
are the Popular Socialist Alliance Party and the Karama (Dignity) Party,
from which Sabbahi hails.
While hundreds of young people can be seen wearing Sabbahi t-shirts,
distributing his campaign fliers to passers by, holding small scale
conferences, forming human chains, and flying campaign kites from
bridges along the Nile, these efforts are very clearly dwarfed by the
massive campaign machine behind Sisi.
Photo by Jano Charbel