Saturday, October 29, 2011

Photos: 'Occupy London' - St. Paul's & Finsbury Sq.


Hundreds of 'Occupy London' protesters outside Saint Paul's Cathedral. "Capitalism is Crisis" indeed! Photos taken October 22.

The 'Occupy London' protests began on October 16, and are ongoing.

Dozens of tents have been pitched outside the cathedral. Protesters continue their occupation and sleep-in despite the cold weather and rain.

"Bankers are the real looters!"

People not profits.

Protesters call on passing vehicles to beep, or honk their horns, in solidarity.

Very valid question on the placard.

Speeches are delivered (even I had the honor of addressing the protesters,) poems are recited, and songs are performed throughout the day and night.


On October 22, 'Occupy London' protesters expanded their protest action, and moved in to occupy the nearby Finsbury Square. Photos of this occupation taken on October 24.

"Capitalism (sure as hell) isn't working!" Encampment in Finsbury Sq.

End corporate greed, stop the bankers' global plundering. Smash Capitalism!

Direct democracy meeting point in Finsbury Square - The People's Assembly.

English protests continue, despite the (clearly) awful English autumn weather.

Communal kitchen, communal dish-washing.

Young activist hums and whistles through his megaphone.

Activists play their instruments in Finsbury Square, for the sake of making music and for radical sing-alongs.

The encampment in Finsbury Square, Moorgate - financial centers, office buildings and banks all around.

Like the sign says.

Pigs in their wagon, parked outside the square. The pigs patrolled around the encampment in their vehicles or on foot, but they have no pretext to enter this peacefully-occupied park.

People of the world, reclaim your public spaces!

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